Care for children at risk Many Egyptian children miss out on the benefits of education because they are from vulnerable groups and have lost shelter and family. They originate from indigenous families or minority groups. They are disabled, are orphans or homeless, and run the risk of being abused or exploited. The Caritas nurseries/medico-social centers
For a bright future Rather than a polarised society, we need one that is built on people that understand the power of dialogue. The leaders of the future will have to have these skills. An investment in youth is an investment in the future. We offer opportunities to youth in human, cultural and social fields,
Support for refugees The Caritas Egypt Refugees office is serving refugees and asylum seekers coming from different places all over the world since 1977. Caritas provides counselling and follow-up besides a variety of services, such as medical services, vocational training, monthly subsistence allowance, and emergency grants. We implement UNHCR programs regarding provision of financial assistance
Making a real difference Women play a crucial role in the (re)construction of communities. More than most men, they cross cultural, ethnic and religious borders. They see to the healthy development of their children, the future of our society. But they don’t have equal treatment and opportunities. They suffer from genital mutilation and early age
Where it all comes together In our work with communities, we empower them to see what they need for development. Then we build the local capacity and support them to become independent and sustain their new capacities. In integrated community development, many of our services come together and mutually enforce development efforts. Literacy becomes social
Skills and micro-credit Through small loans, we stimulate local entrepreneurship for socio-economic development. Since 1970 we support youth, women, and men to realize their dreams, not only by giving them the required loans to get started but also by providing technical advice. We also provide vocational training for youth and adults of 16 to 45
For quality of life The Caritas SETI Center (Support, Education, Training for Inclusion), established in 1986, works on improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and their families. We use a family and community oriented approach, which considers the immediate environment to be the main factor for the rehabilitation and integration process for
Awareness and access We aim to raise the health awareness of citizens, rural and urban, to enhance responsible behaviour towards their own and their family’s health, mother-child care, and addressing malpractices. We empower professionals such as physicians, nurses, literacy teachers, local leaders and health workers, through training of trainers programs. We work through a successful
Learning for life The Basic Education Program plays a key role in social change, not only for its high number of classes and students – almost half a million in the past decennia – but even more for the impact on the students and the deep changes that happen in their lives and their environment.
When my daughter asked me to help her with her homework, it made me sad that I couldn’t help her. I used to just guess sometimes to help her. Now that I participated in the Caritas literacy classes, I can help her. I recently entered in a spelling competition in Cairo and I won! With