Young people who do not find a job or have low income may start their own business to improve their standard of living. However, they need collateral papers to get a loan from the bank. In addition, they need knowledge and skills to successfully run their own moneymaking projects.
Our approach
Women participation in productive activities is restricted, because of traditions and cultural norms, including women’s primary role in raising the children. The challenge for female entrepreneurs is to initiate projects from their homes that can be combined with raising children.
The microcredit department at Caritas – Egypt enables micro-entrepreneurs to manage their projects and their life socioeconomically. We empower the youth and women to create their own job opportunity.
Complementary activities
The microcredit program offers three distinct activities that help micro-entrepreneurs get their project off the ground.
- A total of 6,857 beneficiaries received a loan since 1991untill the end of 2017.
- 2,517 beneficiaries participated in non-financial services, such as training programs, exhibitions, and veterinary services.
- Provide microcredit to small entrepreneurs, with special emphasis on women, to create job opportunities and increase their income
- Organize technical and vocational training and workshops to build beneficiaries’ entrepreneurial capacities and improve their managerial and production skills
- Organize exhibitions and facilitate beneficiaries’ participation to strengthen their marketing skills and reach new markets
Our previous experience ( 2017 )
- 709 beneficiaries acquired management, marketing
and financial planning skills to run micro-projects.
- 148 beneficiaries raised their vocational skills
through training programs such as sewing clothes, making women accessories,
hardware mobile, air conditioning, computer maintenance, etc.
- 174 beneficiaries participated in sales
exhibitions to enlarge their potential market.
- 650 beneficiaries benefited from vet services
such as veterinary convoys and training programs related to proper breeding of
poultry and animals.
- 836 beneficiaries benefited from medical convoys.
- Increase in women percentage who established
their own projects to average 70%.
Mrs. Amal Sobhy
Responsible of Microcredit department
P: (03) 4806306