Fighting the bad tradition of cutting the genitals of young girls to control their sexuality
Unfortunately, Egypt is in the top three of countries where Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), the circumcision of young girls, is practiced. Roughly 92 percent of Egyptian adult women have undergone FGM, according to the 2014 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). The number has decreased since 2000, but it is still alarmingly high, also considering that the practice was criminalized in Egypt in 2008. The majority of females undergo female circumcision between the ages of 9 and 12.
FGM is considered one of the most aggressive forms of violence against women. It causes severe and devastating physical, psychological and social consequences for the young girls who undergo it. Traditionally it was practiced mostly by persons who are not medically trained, but nowadays more than 70% of FGM practice is performed by medical professionals. This reduces the chances of infection and complications, but also means that increasing numbers of medically trained staff act against the law.
FGM is a habit… not religion: Top level Egyptian Islamic and Christian leaders have strongly spoken out against the practice, pointing out that it is not mention in the Qu’ran or Bible. Yet the perception still persists that FGM increases purity and modesty, and would secure that women remain virgins until they marry.
Caritas Egypt, Alexandria established the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) department in 2001. Our goal is to eliminate the FGM in Alexandria governorate, through:
Facts & figures
Where: Alexandria – rural areas and suburbs
Sponsors: Misereor, Missio
Local partners: Nine NGOs in the nine communities in Alexandria Governorate: Lambrouzo, El Mandarah, Karmouz, Elwardian, SidiBisher, KobryElNamous, El Nahdaa Community, Hager ElNouwatia, Abd El Kader (Kebly and Bahary)
Results of the current project phase
More info
Mary Ramzy
FGM Project Responsible
T: (03)4806306/7
M: (+20)1224036127